Welcome to PlasmaPHIre.com

powered by flameinmind.com with Dan Winter and Patrick Botte -

Note -Altho Cold Atmospheric Plasma work is well known to modern medicine-
Plasmaphire is experimental - and does not / cannot make medical claims - see disclaimer.

new PLASMAPHIRE - BALLS HARDWARE SYSTEM - 2 PlasmaBalls Battery Powered with digital controls and chargers-

Also see Patrick's site about PLASMAPHIRE Site- www.craniosacral-app.com/flameinmind/plasmaphire.html

PlasmaPHIre complete Plasma Ball PAIR Units- Battery Powered- with Digital Panel- operation-
- just add inexpensive (newly upgraded- see manual below) FLAMEINSOUND (or FLAMEINMIND) IOS App (requires iphone/ipad).
contact: info@fractalfield.com
- Dan Winter (US +1) 310 651 8123

Plasmaphire System Options / Cost (details below)
- see note below also-for shipping requirement- order battery separately
Plasmaphire Standard: 2500 Euro
Plasmaphire with option for Synchronous Sound Speakers: 2700 Euro
Plasmaphire full audio option (w/Profession Mic etc): 3000 Euro

May 2024 - Important note- due to demand- PlasmaPhire shipments are about 4-6 weeks

Introductory offer- FREE TRACKABLE SHIPPING (save up to 150 euro) -

- contact us (above) for paypal direct , euro to lophi618@gmail.com - mark audio consult not hardware -
or - we can send paypal request - which also takes visa/mc

PlasmaPHIre Balls - Portable Plasma Wave Generator
Generates a field in small rooms/places (living room, bed room...)

Portable device (batteries) => no connection to power supply pollution.
Can also be used in nature, away from electromagnetic pollution

Allowing HRV/EEG sensors closed to the field 
(=> can be used with iThrve & Flameinmind apps)

DRIVE WITH the powerful THERAPHI FREQUENCIES- but even more programmable using Plasmaphire : 2 plasma balls programmable by external sound wave generator
( uses the updated inexpensive FLAMEINSOUND or FLAMEINMIND -  app or any sound wave generator)

manual also see www.craniosacral-app.com/flameinmind/flameinsound/plasma_vibes.html

Comparing PLASMAPHIRE...

plasmaphire.com vs Theraphi etc... some comparison..

a few things give us great encouragement about plasmaphire.com

1. recent live blood cell trials there - really were comparable to theraphi

2. plasmaphire being dc powered is able to reach the superlow frequencies- (below 20 even below 10hz

known to be critical for the context rich plasma effects (embedding..etc

3. also that enables operation in nature / quiet places and more..

4. also now we can drive with 3 power cascade series with the new software (flameinsound or flameinmind

a) the original planckphire.com series used in theraphi

b) cascade 2 - the update h bar planck value which tested even better


c) the newest schumann cascade series (modified to exact schumann phase conjugate pump wave implosion-

which now consistently tests above all the others
(> I use only that.. the charge collapse rides precisely on Earthing literally)

theraphi has only cascade a) 

also separately also only plasmaphire has all the other options to pick a chakra or body part frequency set

which almost always sensitive people DO feel in the prescribed..body area

AND! Please see the AMAZING Results with the highly synergetic (with Plasmaphire) system: PIEZOPHIRE.com .. even full body reponse.. it is surprisingly and consistently powerful.. YET surprisingly INEXPENSIVE.
(save 200 euro ordering these synergetic systems together)

-- more notes





Patrick wrote - Jan 2023:"There are 2 ways to think about health & diseases
The common way is to kill disturbing entities (Pasteur way of thinking)
The other way is to change « terrain » in which these entities like to grow. While changing « terrain » to an heathy equilibrium, these entities should disappear and be replaced by healthy ones
This is the second option we are working on: reinforce the body and help the body to access to the best healthy equilibrium

One of the best example is the action of our plasma balls driven with Dan cascade of frequencies on blood cells
After 20-30 minutes of Plasmaballs session, the packed red blood cells are much more free (it seems to change the polarité of red blood cells membranes)
To do this, we are sending cascade of frequencies (according to Dan equation.. 'implosive / negentropic ').to the body, through sounds, emf (plasma devices), vibrations

See: https://craniosacral-app.com/flameinmind/plasmaphire.html
Our work is mainly dedicated to Dan's work /frequency equation

Comparing Quantaphi..

Comparing PLASMAPHIRE to our other plasma technologies ( Quantaphi and Theraphi):

1. Altho Plasmaphire is driving noble gas plasma at lower voltage, we have found that the effects are actually comparable:

Note that as Bob Beck originally showed - when he rubbed the metal band of his Bic pen in his hair, charging it with static electricity, and that waving it back and forth in the air at close to 8 hz: We DID have a wave of EUPHORIA in the room. What he then showed is that if you played the lo frequency Schumann - at much higher voltage- you in fact get NO wave of EUPHORIA! That precise LOW frequency Schumann cascade (precise 'phase conjugate pump wave' tuned by golden ratio to Planck : planckphire.com ) IS the primary infrasound DRIVER for Plasmaphire- AND Quantaphi and Theraphi . Patrick has long said - that lower voltage (even in Piezophire) - is often MORE perceived by the body- since- human bodies have been programmed for millions of years- to get the euphoric Earth Schumann (ground) phase lock at ONLY low votage!

This is consistent with the fact that the live blood cell results with Plasmaphire - we published here, are similar to the kind of results (cell de-clumping / de-rouleau) we got with Theraphi.

There are 2 further key benefits we designed to acheive with Plasmaphire: by using BATTERY operation- we can get the critical very low sub-20 hz important INFRASOUND modulation (not possible with AC power). It may seem hard to believe but the body clearly LIKES to feel and entrain with frequencies even around ONE hertz. ALSO - with battery power we gain the flexibility to operate in nature- ( often a BIG plus) - AND we eliminate the need for 60 or 50 hertz electrosmog right near the therapy.

Finally- of course- Plasmaphire accomplishes this at around 1/10 of what Theraphi costs, and about 1/2 of Quantaphi cost. All the while acheiving external drive frequencies PROGRAMMABILITY (you can pick the chakra or body part frequency to ring selectively) - not possible with Theraphi.



Plasmaphire has been created to run on batteries 
and allowed to be used in nature (without power supply) - this also allows Plasmaphire to produce the important sub-20hz frequencies.
Unfortunately, we can not ship (outside europa) the parcel including batteries.  
We show you which batteries to buy on Amazon or Aliexpress, & to insert the batteries in the provided batteries holders  
The full audio option is also designed to run without power supply 
The mixing table can be used with any 5V USB power I to be used in nature, 
you will need to use a power bank (not included)  
The full audio option includes : 	
1 two channels bluetooth transmitter
1 professional stereo microphone (to be used if you want to get the sounds of Tibetan bowls)
1 Clip on microphone ( for singing,…)
1 mixing table
Plasmaphire Audio Options

Reminder- since shipping laws about batteries - change by country, in most cases it is necessary for Plasmaphire users to obtain batteries serparately-
this is usually simple to do- google: DC 12680 - one example is https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005005954392198.html
(suggest using vendor in your own country)
-prices and links change- costs typically about $20 to 60

Powerful Audio Implosion Driver Files- Available - Will be provided with your hardware order.



Cristina - kindly wrote from Andorra - Jan 4, 2024:
"I've been using Plasmaphire during these last two weeks because I had a cold and I can say I felt great relief on the symptoms, specially the first day, I had a sore throat and during the session I could feel how it was getting better .


above- WENDY, a very sensitive person, testing the impact of PlasmaPHIre body frequencies PlasmaPHIre complete Plasma Ball PAIR Units- Battery Powered- with Digital Panel operation 


PlasmaPhire effect measured on a plant


PlasmaPHIre - Evening session
Patrick Botte & Dan Winter
during Fractalfield 2019 meeting



Click to view new Flameinmind.com/flameinsound Audio Heterodynces - MANUAL ( html version / pdf version here / pptx verssion here) to DRIVE PLASMAPHIRE / QUANTAPHI / PHIVIBES

(FOR HTML VERSION- be patient -few seconds- for these help files frames to load-- use arrow keys to flip between screens)

If you move your cursor to the left of the slide screen- you get a summary thumbnail list of screens to navigate directly to any slide..



Below- note since Plasmaphire ships from Belgium - in some cases (out of EU) it is not allowed to ship batteries - here is some info about battery install etc: